Dont fret -
that’s what I do!

About me

My name is Markus Heidarsson. I have been a guitarist since 2001 and I have been playing in bands since 2003, most prominently in melodic death metal band Archaea.

From an early point in my journey with guitars I realised that I wanted to be self sufficient regarding maintenance and service of my guitars. From attempting intonation to balancing floating bridges to doing electronic work, mysteries turned into metrics and with it a holistic understanding of what makes a truly good guitar.

Being situated in Gothenburg with a healthy music scene I started to help my friends when they needed to fix their guitars up. Taking guitars that were deemed to never be playable again and making them better than their new custom-ordered instruments was a very welcome boost to my confidence in my abilities as a hobbyist luthier.

I have now decided to take the step to being a full time guitar tech.

This is where I’m supposed to be, and hopefully I can show you that when I turn your guitar into the instrument it truly deserves to be.


Book a Consultation

Are your frets that shiny? Well if not, would you like them to be?

Heidarsson will fix it!